Anderson Defense - Criminal Defense
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Will I lose my job over a DUI arrest?

Potential clients ask us many questions at the outset of our representation. Among the most common is the question of whether they will lose their job.  Of course,  the answer depends on a number of factors, including your criminal history, what you do for a living, and whether your job was in jeopardy before your DUI arrest in Minnesota.

Nevertheless, we have identified several real-life implications that may come about.

Your auto insurance coverage may affected – If you depend on a company car to conduct your business, a DUI may disqualify you from being under a company’s insurance policy. You will likely have to obtain SR-22 insurance, which your employer may or may not carry.

You may miss some time from work – Depending on your schedule, you may not get to work on time, or even miss a day as you are waiting to post bail. This is because the police may run your name through several databases, including the FBI and other state criminal databases, before releasing you. This may lead to trouble at work, but the police will not be concerned about how your job status may be affected.

Your career could be affected – If you drive for a living, a DUI conviction could mean the end of your career. Some companies may have standard policies that people with DUI convictions may not work for them. So if you are a commercial truck driver, taxi driver or bus driver, it is crucial that you have an experienced criminal defense attorney at your side in order to protect your rights and your livelihood.

The preceding is not intended to be legal advice. If you have additional question, an experienced DUI defense attorney can help.

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