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Twin Cities Criminal Law Blog

The problems facing teens seeing parents who drink and drive

The popular parenting adage, “Do as I say, not as I do “ apparently does not resonate with teens when it comes to drinking and driving. A 2014 study published by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development found that teens who have driven with an intoxicated driver are much more likely to do it themselves.

Can a criminal court order lead to debtors’ prison

Everyone who has been issued a citation or has been ordered to pay court costs (and fines) has been there. When you have to make a choice between paying rent or buying diapers for a child and paying court imposed fees, what do you choose? More likely than not, the choice is made to maintain the necessities in life (i.e. shelter, buying food, paying utilities). When this occurs, people in arrears run the risk of having warrants issued for their arrest.

Why field sobriety tests are so important to law enforcement

As the summer draws to a close, many will celebrate it with their last vacation before the school season, which begins in earnest after Labor Day. With many holiday weekends, there will be an increased police presence to stem the number of drunk drivers on the road. When people are stopped on suspicion of DWI, an officer commonly asks the driver to perform a series of sobriety tests.

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