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Expect additional DWI enforcement during the holidays

With both Christmas and New Year’s occurring on weekends this year, the 2016 holiday driving season  is going to be a huge travel event. Yes, the weather in Minnesota may slow things down, but low gas prices are going to keep people on the road.

According to the American Automobile Association, millions of Americans will be taking to the roads to get to loved ones to celebrate the holidays with family and loved ones.

With that, law enforcement agencies across Minnesota will be actively looking for drunk drivers. While this week is supposed to be the “most wonderful time of the year,” an accident can derail all the festive charm of the holiday season. As such, law enforcement agencies are under pressure to ensure that no alcohol related accidents occur.

Indeed, many people understand that additional DWI patrols will be out in force, but unfortunately they may not know how much alcohol can lead to a person being charged with a crime. Most believe that a person must be incoherent and sloppy drunk before being charged with drunk driving. Nevertheless,  tipsy or “buzzed” is usually enough to have one’s BAC at .08 or above. Because of this, it is important for drivers to watch what they drink before driving. If they choose to have a good time, calling an Uber or having a designated driver would be a good way to avoid being charged with a crime.

The preceding is not legal advice. For questions on  drunk driving charges, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney.

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