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Twin Cities Criminal Law Blog

Common defenses to child abuse allegations

Being accused of child abuse or child maltreatment can send you into depths that you never believed you could sink to. This is likely because the stigma our society places on people accused of such crimes is probably worse than those accused on sex crimes.

However, the notion that the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty is a bedrock standard of our legal system. Because of this, there are a number of defenses that may be raised in order to defend one’s self against abuse allegations. This post will highlight a few.

Federal officials say that Child Protection Services proceedings are on the rise

Over the past three years, there has been a nationwide increase in the number of children being placed in foster care, according to federal records. Today’s numbers have several moving parts, as the federal data suggests that more kids are staying in foster care for longer periods of time. Other children may be in foster care for a short period, but reentering at a later date.

The data says that total number of children in foster care has risen for three consecutive years. However, the acting secretary of the Administration on Children and Families, Mark Greenberg, says that fewer kids today are in foster care than the numbers recorded a decade ago, according to The Chronicle of Social Change.

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